God that was strange to see you again
Introduced by a friend of a friend
Smiled and said 'yes I think we've met before'
In that instant it started to pour,
Captured a taxi despite all the rain
We drove in silence across point champlain
And all of the time you thought I was sad I was trying to remember your name…
From that song I posted earlier. I think that is a super first verse of a song.
haha-that's what's gonna happen once I break up with my summer boyfriend.....
Next up: hair extensions,bikini waxes & martinis. I am the new Carrie Bradshaw.
I try for this girl shit all the time but it usually ends up in oven burns on my arms, stains on my sheets & 3 day old coffee cups on my computer desk.
I'm done blogging now, I only amuse myself. ;)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
old milwaukee-since 1934
So, someone told me that I look like that broad from the vampire movie with that pantysoaker British dude today.
Um, maybe if she was fat & wearing a mask over her head but whatever,dude, thanks for the compliment.
I'm so not into that dude, for whatever reason.
Feels like the older I get the more I'm feeling like I'd rather fuck the Middle Eastern dude at the canned goods emporium/iced tea store. I find him attractive cuz he asks me about my day & gave me a free lighter.
It's just like a-no one is hot anymore & b-I hate talking to people so it's highly likely that I will never again have a boyfriend in my whole life. That's not a wholly unappealing idea to me, its just like: you gotta kinda work to get someone interested & I'm fucken lazy.
Life is not like that stupid "Hes Not Into You" movie or "P.S. I Love You" (which I LOVE to talk about when I'm drunk)......you don't like accidentally bump into a handsome stranger on the subway & he finds yr bizness card & tracks you down far & wide while adventures ensue until you kiss on the Eiffel Towe or whatever bullshit.
You bump into an old Jamaican man who yells at you for not letting folks outta the train first & then you sit in embarrassed silence on the way home cuz you forgot yr phone & Ipod at home that morning.
I dunno, Im moving soon & stuff is all changing around at work so I feel kinda disconnected & retarded for now.
Maybe I'll spruce up my new place & find myself some hot piece of summer boyfriend. I love the idea of a summer boyfriend-someone I can shave my legs for who can take me on dates.....
I'm lying-I've never been on a date & don't plan on starting at 27 & also-I'm doing it already with the hottest piece of non-boyfriend I know & fuck , I haven't shaved my legs in months.
Either way, I guess the point of this nonsensical little blog is that I want summer to come hard & fast. As well as my new summer bf.
im funny!
Um, maybe if she was fat & wearing a mask over her head but whatever,dude, thanks for the compliment.
I'm so not into that dude, for whatever reason.
Feels like the older I get the more I'm feeling like I'd rather fuck the Middle Eastern dude at the canned goods emporium/iced tea store. I find him attractive cuz he asks me about my day & gave me a free lighter.
It's just like a-no one is hot anymore & b-I hate talking to people so it's highly likely that I will never again have a boyfriend in my whole life. That's not a wholly unappealing idea to me, its just like: you gotta kinda work to get someone interested & I'm fucken lazy.
Life is not like that stupid "Hes Not Into You" movie or "P.S. I Love You" (which I LOVE to talk about when I'm drunk)......you don't like accidentally bump into a handsome stranger on the subway & he finds yr bizness card & tracks you down far & wide while adventures ensue until you kiss on the Eiffel Towe or whatever bullshit.
You bump into an old Jamaican man who yells at you for not letting folks outta the train first & then you sit in embarrassed silence on the way home cuz you forgot yr phone & Ipod at home that morning.
I dunno, Im moving soon & stuff is all changing around at work so I feel kinda disconnected & retarded for now.
Maybe I'll spruce up my new place & find myself some hot piece of summer boyfriend. I love the idea of a summer boyfriend-someone I can shave my legs for who can take me on dates.....
I'm lying-I've never been on a date & don't plan on starting at 27 & also-I'm doing it already with the hottest piece of non-boyfriend I know & fuck , I haven't shaved my legs in months.
Either way, I guess the point of this nonsensical little blog is that I want summer to come hard & fast. As well as my new summer bf.
im funny!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
This song is perfect. Lyrically,musically...fucking karmic-ly. Haha.
Have a listen, its an oldie but I've been slow on the uptake.....
Songs that are good for a cry or a maniacal laughing dance party are good. Stars are a good band for shit like.
I'm off to fratboy land tonite. Saw the perfect Mackie & me apartment today. Totally obvious that I won't get it-cuz I never do-but MAN,my heart is soaring just hoping for it.
I'm a diehard optimist,can't help it!
This song is perfect. Lyrically,musically...fucking karmic-ly. Haha.
Have a listen, its an oldie but I've been slow on the uptake.....
Songs that are good for a cry or a maniacal laughing dance party are good. Stars are a good band for shit like.
I'm off to fratboy land tonite. Saw the perfect Mackie & me apartment today. Totally obvious that I won't get it-cuz I never do-but MAN,my heart is soaring just hoping for it.
I'm a diehard optimist,can't help it!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I have a problem. It's a recently acquired issue & I'm a little embarrassed about it.
I'm a vomiter. I am an uncontrollable vomiter nowadays. No idea why but here is a short list of things making me vomit recently:
-Liquor of any sort
-More than 3 beers
-Sour cream
-Ice cream
-chips & dip
-roasted garlic hummus
-english cucumbers
-orange juice
I'm sure it all part of me being a huge stress basket right now on account of being homeless in about 2 weeks (our house dealio fell thru & Im too financially inept to get my own place right now) which has also been coupled with bouts of stress crying & then stress eating a whole bunch of food that makes me barf.
But mostly, I'm pretty good. There's something kinda cathartic about throwing up, it satisfies me in 2 ways-
1)I feel better immediately after barfing,like a vomit high.
2)It gives me a way to feel sorry for myself without feeling selfish or self-indulgent. HAHA!
Also, I saw one of the top hottest men I've ever seen in real life today in Tim Horton's. He was a construction worker & he was basically the prototype for all those "hot" constuction worker calendars and email forwards my aunts send me.
I kinda had a mini fantasy about him ripping his dirty flannel shirt open, throwing his hardhat to the wind without care & gyrating around me. But that's inappropriate for Tim Horton's.
I ordered tea, not some hot guy's wang.
Just for point of reference: my friend,Scott, is the hottest male I've ever seen in real life & my friend, Jackie, is the hottest female. If they made babies the world would implode upon birth. Good thing Jax live in Oz now or else........
I'm a vomiter. I am an uncontrollable vomiter nowadays. No idea why but here is a short list of things making me vomit recently:
-Liquor of any sort
-More than 3 beers
-Sour cream
-Ice cream
-chips & dip
-roasted garlic hummus
-english cucumbers
-orange juice
I'm sure it all part of me being a huge stress basket right now on account of being homeless in about 2 weeks (our house dealio fell thru & Im too financially inept to get my own place right now) which has also been coupled with bouts of stress crying & then stress eating a whole bunch of food that makes me barf.
But mostly, I'm pretty good. There's something kinda cathartic about throwing up, it satisfies me in 2 ways-
1)I feel better immediately after barfing,like a vomit high.
2)It gives me a way to feel sorry for myself without feeling selfish or self-indulgent. HAHA!
Also, I saw one of the top hottest men I've ever seen in real life today in Tim Horton's. He was a construction worker & he was basically the prototype for all those "hot" constuction worker calendars and email forwards my aunts send me.
I kinda had a mini fantasy about him ripping his dirty flannel shirt open, throwing his hardhat to the wind without care & gyrating around me. But that's inappropriate for Tim Horton's.
I ordered tea, not some hot guy's wang.
Just for point of reference: my friend,Scott, is the hottest male I've ever seen in real life & my friend, Jackie, is the hottest female. If they made babies the world would implode upon birth. Good thing Jax live in Oz now or else........
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
And another thing!
I'm hating everything right now. From my job to the winter to my fucken ugly face so: I'm taking a stand.
I'm gonna be healthier & happier from this point forward. Shit's my decision,right?
Trimming the fat, folks, trimming the fat.
And not in a I wanna lose weight way, altho that certainly couldn't hurt!
I'm gonna be healthier & happier from this point forward. Shit's my decision,right?
Trimming the fat, folks, trimming the fat.
And not in a I wanna lose weight way, altho that certainly couldn't hurt!
Monday, March 2, 2009
I grew up in a very abusive situation. It's not something I really talk about much-not cuz I'm sensitive or protective about it, it's just not really a beers & chickens wings kinda conversation. Also, it's kinda a wierd environment to be a kid in. My mom's boyfriend from the time I was about 6-13 was this huge Hulk of a dude who was martials arts trained in pressure points, about 6'4 & more aggressive than a horny pitbull.....who pretty much beat the shit outta her every chance he got. He never touched me-he was a woman beater,not a kid-beater.
Anyway, when I was in about grade 5 my mom & I lived in this 4-storey walkup building on Kingston Road,where we shared a bed room. I pretty much shared a bedroom with my mom until I was about 12. What are you gonna do when yr poor?
So, this one night we're driving in her boyfriend's new 1992 Dodge Caravan (his Chevette was totalled in a accident where I broke my collarbone but that's a whole other story.).
He's in the driver's seat, my mom is in the passenger seat & I'm the middle of the 2nd set of seats. There's a 24 case of Black Ice beers in between the two of them on floor that was opened. I wasn't wearing a seatbelt but that was pretty much par for the course-I kinda faded into the background with those 2. I mean, we were basically on high alert for fists in her face so a little old seatbelt on a kid wasn't much of a worry....
So we're driving home from the Monday night bowling league,where I'd pretty much run around the bowling alley on a school night eating Runts from the quarter machine & drinking shitty fountain Cokes,and the tension in the van is thick. All of a sudden I hear it:
"You're getting on my last nerve!"
Thise 6 words were essentially like pulling the pin outta the hand granade moments before you throw it with that guy. And as we're driving along Main St he fucking loses it. He starts punching the beer case on the floor between the 2 of them,smashing full bottles of beer with his fist. The whole time this vitriolic stream of profanities is just unleashing itself from his mouth like a dude with Tourette's. There's beer & glass & blood & spit flying around between the 2 of them. My mom's boyfriend lashes out across the seat and grabs my mom the throat & starts choking her up against the passenger's side window. We are still driving at this point, swerving across into the other lane, running red lights, just going fucking mental until we turn onto Kingston Rd.
I have no idea what to do & just as he is tightening his hold & it looks like my mom is going to pass out I finally react.
I flew into the pile of beer & glass in between thier seats and just latch my mouth on this dude's arm and sink my teeth in until all I taste is blood & flesh & I can't even breathe my mouth is open so wide.....
He lets go of her right as he pulls up in front of our building. As soon as the van stops, I run out & race towards the entrance of our building, my knees cut up from the glass & the blood of this abusive monster smeared across my face.
And I wait.
I wait as my mom calmly opens the van door. I wait as I watch my mom take the soaking wet beer case full of broken glass & carry it over to the dumpster beside our building. I wait as my mom picks every last piece of broken beer bottle from the floor of that fucking van & puts it into the dumpster with its case.
I wait as my mom takes all of the Kleenex out of her purse & sweater sleeves & pockets & wipes all of the blood off this mans hands & wipes all of the spilled beer away from every spot inside that 1992 Dodge Caravan.
And I wait as my mom kisses him good-bye & finally comes to me to let me inside the apartment.
I will never forget watching her do that.
I was angry for a long time with her about it but now I get it. Women always try to tame the beast.
It's retarded but it's the truth.
Anyway, I guess that's my long-winded way of saying that those reports of Rihanna getting back together with that Chris Brown douche aren't surprising to me in the least.
Anyway, when I was in about grade 5 my mom & I lived in this 4-storey walkup building on Kingston Road,where we shared a bed room. I pretty much shared a bedroom with my mom until I was about 12. What are you gonna do when yr poor?
So, this one night we're driving in her boyfriend's new 1992 Dodge Caravan (his Chevette was totalled in a accident where I broke my collarbone but that's a whole other story.).
He's in the driver's seat, my mom is in the passenger seat & I'm the middle of the 2nd set of seats. There's a 24 case of Black Ice beers in between the two of them on floor that was opened. I wasn't wearing a seatbelt but that was pretty much par for the course-I kinda faded into the background with those 2. I mean, we were basically on high alert for fists in her face so a little old seatbelt on a kid wasn't much of a worry....
So we're driving home from the Monday night bowling league,where I'd pretty much run around the bowling alley on a school night eating Runts from the quarter machine & drinking shitty fountain Cokes,and the tension in the van is thick. All of a sudden I hear it:
"You're getting on my last nerve!"
Thise 6 words were essentially like pulling the pin outta the hand granade moments before you throw it with that guy. And as we're driving along Main St he fucking loses it. He starts punching the beer case on the floor between the 2 of them,smashing full bottles of beer with his fist. The whole time this vitriolic stream of profanities is just unleashing itself from his mouth like a dude with Tourette's. There's beer & glass & blood & spit flying around between the 2 of them. My mom's boyfriend lashes out across the seat and grabs my mom the throat & starts choking her up against the passenger's side window. We are still driving at this point, swerving across into the other lane, running red lights, just going fucking mental until we turn onto Kingston Rd.
I have no idea what to do & just as he is tightening his hold & it looks like my mom is going to pass out I finally react.
I flew into the pile of beer & glass in between thier seats and just latch my mouth on this dude's arm and sink my teeth in until all I taste is blood & flesh & I can't even breathe my mouth is open so wide.....
He lets go of her right as he pulls up in front of our building. As soon as the van stops, I run out & race towards the entrance of our building, my knees cut up from the glass & the blood of this abusive monster smeared across my face.
And I wait.
I wait as my mom calmly opens the van door. I wait as I watch my mom take the soaking wet beer case full of broken glass & carry it over to the dumpster beside our building. I wait as my mom picks every last piece of broken beer bottle from the floor of that fucking van & puts it into the dumpster with its case.
I wait as my mom takes all of the Kleenex out of her purse & sweater sleeves & pockets & wipes all of the blood off this mans hands & wipes all of the spilled beer away from every spot inside that 1992 Dodge Caravan.
And I wait as my mom kisses him good-bye & finally comes to me to let me inside the apartment.
I will never forget watching her do that.
I was angry for a long time with her about it but now I get it. Women always try to tame the beast.
It's retarded but it's the truth.
Anyway, I guess that's my long-winded way of saying that those reports of Rihanna getting back together with that Chris Brown douche aren't surprising to me in the least.
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