Monday, December 14, 2009

hi.hello. what's up blog? I am feeling wierd. Had a crazy 8am panic attack-shot straight up in bed feeling scared. Maybe I had a bad dream/?
Going to the doc next week cuz I need my yearly lady biz checked so Im gonna see whats up? Maybe I drink too much coffees?
Anyway, I had a pretty good bite last nite. I changed my hair colour. Can't wait for the Sunnybrook Xmas party!
ok,bye. Im boring.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

hi blog!

I made a really delicious dinner tonite of brown rice & black beans. Then I discovered the joy of putting unsweetened vanilla almond milk in my coffee & everything exploded into an ambrosia of taste in my mouth!
Now Im watching Big Bang Theory on my little tiny computer & eating stove popped popcorn. I like myself.

Im also wearing an outfit consisting entirely of Hello Kitty flannel clothing, I look pretty sharp.
What else can I say about myself? Narcissistic is my favourite.
The garbage guy at work today gave me a teddy bear holding a heart, one time in the summer he said I looked sexy then backtracked & didn't talk to me for a month. We're cool again now.
I like being friends with wierd fellas over 40, it gives me high self esteem. Bahaha. Im funny.
OK,good nite!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Welcome to my Anxiety......

Or "How I Overcame Anxiety but still Hate Christmas..."

I have pretty bad anxiety,man. To be honest I really don't talk about it much & if I do I make it a joke (this commercial is gonna give me a panic attack!) but yeah,anxiety isn't fun.
I have maybe only fully talked about it with Kim & I tried to with Leah but all I could say "you know when someone surprises you & you feel terrified for a second? I always feel that terrified. On the streetcar, in the shower,having a smoke on the front porch."
I had my first panic attack when I was 16 & it was pretty bad for about a year. I never told my mom or anything, I just smoked pounds of weed because it chilled me out and had tons of sex with my high school boyfriend before we ate a large pizza & then I'd pretty much be able to sleep. The smoking dope started to actually trigger anxiety attacks in me & after I kinda freaked out one too many times I quit cold turkey when I was 20.

Sleeping time is a hard one for me. If any of you are ever lucky enough to share a bed with me I will literally talk yr ear off until you ass out cold while I ramble on. When I had bad panic attacks it was usually before falling asleep.
I guess over the years I've just come to realize what my "triggers" are and basically just try to avoid the things that may push me into a full blown panic attack (which,by the way, is fucken awful. I don't if you've ever had one but they suck,dude.)

I guess "talking about my anxiety" falls under the category of triggers so that's why I don't get into it too much.
Also, folks always always always say the same thing to me "You're the most well rounded together person" so it's kinda hard to be like "really? cuz I feel like Im having a heart attack most of the time & I can't really watch fantasy movies cuz they make me hyperventilate for no good reason.".

So here's what you should do if yr me & you having general anxiety about everything in the whole world. these tips are not healthy or recommended but they work for me:
-pretend you don't have anxiety
-don't talk about the things that give you a panic attack. If people around you start talking about things that make yr heart race or feel like yr pass out,change the subject. If they fail to jump on to yr train of thought,joke about having a panic attack then keep steering the conversation back to bunnies or potato chips or whatever makes you more comfortable.
-Drink booze. Drink lots of it. Like buckets of alcohol so you are more fun & people are easier to be around. Don't need an intervention or anything but definitely get drunk alot.

Most of that stuff was sarcastic (in case yr mentally retarded) but true in my case.
Anyway, Christmastime probably causes me the most anxiety & depression & panic. It's my 2nd biggest trigger but it's kinda hard to avoid it.
I'll post more about why I hate Christmas but for now I need to go watch Blind Date & play Nature Park on my cell phone.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!

Aw, M&TK came over tonite & we drank the rest of the beers. Something in my left side right above my belt hurts. It hurts often,could it be my liver? I hope not. I know I drink too much,tho.
That is a really sad picture of me when my tooth got an abcess in the summer. Haha, it was Pride weekend & I went out anyways with my gay boys, SB did some foreign drugs & stuff got really funny. As per usual,I just wanted to keep drinking but all he could do was wear sunglasses & almost get in the cab.

I really want to stop eating meat in a serious way,it's making me feel pretty gross. Like,how sad!
I love the Steve Wilkos show, its the pinnacle of trashy TV,so great. What is also great is Sour Cream & Bacon chips-Meaghan brought me some & now I'm eating them like a before video in The Biggest Loser-what a great show,huh?

Anyway, I'm tired & kinda drunk & relishing in my new feelings acquisition "jealousy" so I'm gonna take my Hello Kitty flannel pyjama pants to bed.

They're playing that reggae song "Maxine" or whatever downstairs & I'm getting riled over the abusive relationship on Steve Wilkos.
Good nite-I love you all!
Oh yeah-it's a snow storm outside & I feel like I lost a friend over something awkward & I wish that wasn't true.............

Monday, December 7, 2009

Hi blog! I'm sorry I abandoned you for so long! It was my fault-I'm a jerk. I'd like to rekindle our relationship. In fact, I'd like to make it stronger even.

But really, what is new? I don't even know! It's my birthday tomoro so that's pretty cool.
I'm drinking a beer & playing on my new little Notebook tiny laptop computer guy.
I pretty much went to the cabin all the summer & drank beers,caught frogs,cleaned a fish,read sex books from the '60s & partied down.

I played guitar for a long time tonite but Im still too scared to play in front of anyone-I don't know how SB & I are gonna go on our World Tour if I'm too scared to throw out a coupla G's &D's now and again.
I wonder what else I should say?
I work 10-6 now so I'm pretty much a boring loser who watches TV all nite now. I pretty much love Law & Order now. It was on twice tonite. Also, I like watching Biggest Loser & also Criminal Minds.

Oh! And I like to watch Cold Case the best because there is always a musical montage at the end in slow motion that kills me.

OK, that's all. From this day forward, I promise to be a better blog maker. OK?!?!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

next confession

when I get drunk-I watch Youtube videos made of songs from P.S I Love You & want to cry a bit. I think it's my crush of Gerard Butler & my narcissitic tendencies all bundling up together with my need to get laid.
Either way-Steve Earle & The Pogues do a damn fine job of making me want a loyal husband who will die young & love me from beyond.

Up next:this wknd @ Bob's weed bday & my new apt-THRILLING.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Also, this:

God that was strange to see you again
Introduced by a friend of a friend
Smiled and said 'yes I think we've met before'
In that instant it started to pour,
Captured a taxi despite all the rain
We drove in silence across point champlain
And all of the time you thought I was sad I was trying to remember your name…

From that song I posted earlier. I think that is a super first verse of a song.
haha-that's what's gonna happen once I break up with my summer boyfriend.....

Next up: hair extensions,bikini waxes & martinis. I am the new Carrie Bradshaw.
I try for this girl shit all the time but it usually ends up in oven burns on my arms, stains on my sheets & 3 day old coffee cups on my computer desk.
I'm done blogging now, I only amuse myself. ;)

old milwaukee-since 1934

So, someone told me that I look like that broad from the vampire movie with that pantysoaker British dude today.
Um, maybe if she was fat & wearing a mask over her head but whatever,dude, thanks for the compliment.
I'm so not into that dude, for whatever reason.
Feels like the older I get the more I'm feeling like I'd rather fuck the Middle Eastern dude at the canned goods emporium/iced tea store. I find him attractive cuz he asks me about my day & gave me a free lighter.
It's just like a-no one is hot anymore & b-I hate talking to people so it's highly likely that I will never again have a boyfriend in my whole life. That's not a wholly unappealing idea to me, its just like: you gotta kinda work to get someone interested & I'm fucken lazy.

Life is not like that stupid "Hes Not Into You" movie or "P.S. I Love You" (which I LOVE to talk about when I'm drunk) don't like accidentally bump into a handsome stranger on the subway & he finds yr bizness card & tracks you down far & wide while adventures ensue until you kiss on the Eiffel Towe or whatever bullshit.
You bump into an old Jamaican man who yells at you for not letting folks outta the train first & then you sit in embarrassed silence on the way home cuz you forgot yr phone & Ipod at home that morning.

I dunno, Im moving soon & stuff is all changing around at work so I feel kinda disconnected & retarded for now.
Maybe I'll spruce up my new place & find myself some hot piece of summer boyfriend. I love the idea of a summer boyfriend-someone I can shave my legs for who can take me on dates.....

I'm lying-I've never been on a date & don't plan on starting at 27 & also-I'm doing it already with the hottest piece of non-boyfriend I know & fuck , I haven't shaved my legs in months.

Either way, I guess the point of this nonsensical little blog is that I want summer to come hard & fast. As well as my new summer bf.
im funny!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


This song is perfect. Lyrically,musically...fucking karmic-ly. Haha.
Have a listen, its an oldie but I've been slow on the uptake.....

Songs that are good for a cry or a maniacal laughing dance party are good. Stars are a good band for shit like.

I'm off to fratboy land tonite. Saw the perfect Mackie & me apartment today. Totally obvious that I won't get it-cuz I never do-but MAN,my heart is soaring just hoping for it.
I'm a diehard optimist,can't help it!


Thursday, March 12, 2009


I have a problem. It's a recently acquired issue & I'm a little embarrassed about it.
I'm a vomiter. I am an uncontrollable vomiter nowadays. No idea why but here is a short list of things making me vomit recently:
-Liquor of any sort
-More than 3 beers
-Sour cream
-Ice cream
-chips & dip
-roasted garlic hummus
-english cucumbers
-orange juice

I'm sure it all part of me being a huge stress basket right now on account of being homeless in about 2 weeks (our house dealio fell thru & Im too financially inept to get my own place right now) which has also been coupled with bouts of stress crying & then stress eating a whole bunch of food that makes me barf.
But mostly, I'm pretty good. There's something kinda cathartic about throwing up, it satisfies me in 2 ways-
1)I feel better immediately after barfing,like a vomit high.
2)It gives me a way to feel sorry for myself without feeling selfish or self-indulgent. HAHA!

Also, I saw one of the top hottest men I've ever seen in real life today in Tim Horton's. He was a construction worker & he was basically the prototype for all those "hot" constuction worker calendars and email forwards my aunts send me.
I kinda had a mini fantasy about him ripping his dirty flannel shirt open, throwing his hardhat to the wind without care & gyrating around me. But that's inappropriate for Tim Horton's.
I ordered tea, not some hot guy's wang.

Just for point of reference: my friend,Scott, is the hottest male I've ever seen in real life & my friend, Jackie, is the hottest female. If they made babies the world would implode upon birth. Good thing Jax live in Oz now or else........

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

And another thing!

I'm hating everything right now. From my job to the winter to my fucken ugly face so: I'm taking a stand.
I'm gonna be healthier & happier from this point forward. Shit's my decision,right?
Trimming the fat, folks, trimming the fat.
And not in a I wanna lose weight way, altho that certainly couldn't hurt!

Monday, March 2, 2009


I grew up in a very abusive situation. It's not something I really talk about much-not cuz I'm sensitive or protective about it, it's just not really a beers & chickens wings kinda conversation. Also, it's kinda a wierd environment to be a kid in. My mom's boyfriend from the time I was about 6-13 was this huge Hulk of a dude who was martials arts trained in pressure points, about 6'4 & more aggressive than a horny pitbull.....who pretty much beat the shit outta her every chance he got. He never touched me-he was a woman beater,not a kid-beater.
Anyway, when I was in about grade 5 my mom & I lived in this 4-storey walkup building on Kingston Road,where we shared a bed room. I pretty much shared a bedroom with my mom until I was about 12. What are you gonna do when yr poor?
So, this one night we're driving in her boyfriend's new 1992 Dodge Caravan (his Chevette was totalled in a accident where I broke my collarbone but that's a whole other story.).
He's in the driver's seat, my mom is in the passenger seat & I'm the middle of the 2nd set of seats. There's a 24 case of Black Ice beers in between the two of them on floor that was opened. I wasn't wearing a seatbelt but that was pretty much par for the course-I kinda faded into the background with those 2. I mean, we were basically on high alert for fists in her face so a little old seatbelt on a kid wasn't much of a worry....
So we're driving home from the Monday night bowling league,where I'd pretty much run around the bowling alley on a school night eating Runts from the quarter machine & drinking shitty fountain Cokes,and the tension in the van is thick. All of a sudden I hear it:

"You're getting on my last nerve!"

Thise 6 words were essentially like pulling the pin outta the hand granade moments before you throw it with that guy. And as we're driving along Main St he fucking loses it. He starts punching the beer case on the floor between the 2 of them,smashing full bottles of beer with his fist. The whole time this vitriolic stream of profanities is just unleashing itself from his mouth like a dude with Tourette's. There's beer & glass & blood & spit flying around between the 2 of them. My mom's boyfriend lashes out across the seat and grabs my mom the throat & starts choking her up against the passenger's side window. We are still driving at this point, swerving across into the other lane, running red lights, just going fucking mental until we turn onto Kingston Rd.
I have no idea what to do & just as he is tightening his hold & it looks like my mom is going to pass out I finally react.
I flew into the pile of beer & glass in between thier seats and just latch my mouth on this dude's arm and sink my teeth in until all I taste is blood & flesh & I can't even breathe my mouth is open so wide.....
He lets go of her right as he pulls up in front of our building. As soon as the van stops, I run out & race towards the entrance of our building, my knees cut up from the glass & the blood of this abusive monster smeared across my face.

And I wait.

I wait as my mom calmly opens the van door. I wait as I watch my mom take the soaking wet beer case full of broken glass & carry it over to the dumpster beside our building. I wait as my mom picks every last piece of broken beer bottle from the floor of that fucking van & puts it into the dumpster with its case.
I wait as my mom takes all of the Kleenex out of her purse & sweater sleeves & pockets & wipes all of the blood off this mans hands & wipes all of the spilled beer away from every spot inside that 1992 Dodge Caravan.
And I wait as my mom kisses him good-bye & finally comes to me to let me inside the apartment.
I will never forget watching her do that.
I was angry for a long time with her about it but now I get it. Women always try to tame the beast.
It's retarded but it's the truth.

Anyway, I guess that's my long-winded way of saying that those reports of Rihanna getting back together with that Chris Brown douche aren't surprising to me in the least.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

better than you.

Well, that was stupid. Whatever-fuck that noise. I'm off to drink beers.

Monday, February 23, 2009


A year ago today my Uncle Bob died. It feels like it happened this morning.
This picture is from New Year's Eve 93/94. I was 12-I'm actually drinking some kind of pink champagne/cranberry juice mixture. My mom let all us kids drink that year & I remember getting kinda tipsy. I remember that nite being fun because everyone slept over at my house & breakfast the next morning was a big raucous loud party of yelling & teasing & adult hangovers & we were eating pickles for some reason.
I miss my Uncle Bob.
I watched The Devil & Daniel Johnston tonite & when I got home from work listened to a little Kimya dawson & cried for a few minutes.......apparently I'm 13.
But,whatever, life is short & you lose people you love so be nice to everyone who you have right now.
Never take shit for granted & never treat people as less than thier worth. Don't wait until some big emotional build-up happens or yr drunk & high to say I love you.
Things aren't as complicated or so huge as people make them out to be. Life & love & happiness are simple.
For me, at least.
The people who are closest to me who I love SO much & admire & respect SO much who can't see how simple it is make my heart ache & I want to cry all over again.
Just be good to each other & love each other. THEN let's all get drunk & have a dance party in the living room in our underwear!

And just so I'm not being a totally emotional ovary satchel tonite: the cat peed in my clean laundry & I taught the Korean lady at the convenience store how to make a gin & tonic with lots of lime.
SB & I were hung as hell yesterday & lied around watching shitty TV in states of semi-consciousness for about 11 hours yesterday. And it was awesome.
good nite.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

fuck off with the bad weather already...

I guess I'm in a pretty bad mood. I tried wearing my leopard print rain boots to feel better but so far:no dice. It's OK-only 2 more hours to go before I'm done work & now I get to see Scott every day that I work so that is a good/bad thing.

I did not go to sleep until like, 8am today because I am dealing with the dumbest bout of insomnia known to man-like, I go into my bed but then I get so hot & uncomfortable & whatever-this is SO BORING I don't even care anymore.
All I want is for the summertime to start happening so I can go on patios & not wear a coat & drink during the day because that is when I am at my best.

We are moving around the corner probably or I'm going to homeless-we will see. Updates to come on that.
Annoyance of the day: Every time I go to use the bathroom (& I don't shut the door because no one else in my room with me) the cat uses the litter box right across from where I'm sitting down to do my biz. It's so awkward, it's like she waits for when I have to pee and then is all "me too!" Ugh, usually I play Tetris on the toilet anyway regardless of what number it is-ALSO- I only wanna play Tetris & listen to '80s hair bands on my Ipod on the subway so if you are a total wierdo potentially homeless probably drunk crazy person-just don't even try to talk to me or ask me "am i in toronto?" or offer me juice from a juice box. I'm not down.

pretend narcissism-try it!

Clearly-I am a mega babe. As evidenced by the following photographs. Shit, maybe I need another intervention-a get the hell over yerself intervention. but not really.

Today I forgot that Winterlicious was extended but then I remembered & told Scott & we were SO happy! I kno-fascinating,right?
Also, a lot of funny & wierd stuff happened but I'm pretty boring to write something interesting right now-basically I barfed EVERYWHERE you can think of & it was like "geez,lady-get off the sauce for a minute & stop sleeping until 4pm every wknd day,please?!!"
I kinda did a mini-intervention on myself & now everythinng is cooler.

90210 is back to when Brenda is on & she goes to Paris so that DYlan can cheat on her with Kelly so that makes me happy-except for I stay up til 4am to watch up-nerdsville,for sure.

OH YEAH! And the cat scratched the hell outta my thigh cuz she is the neediest fucken animal in all the land so now we are fighting. And I left a note saying I would do the dishes but instead I didn't do the dishes or put on deodarant all day, either.

In case you were wondering-don't worry-I am super hot & attractive so all that stuff about BO & vomit & cat scratches doesn't really matter,ok?

good bye!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

kickin' & a'gougin in the mud & the blood & the beer...

Oh my goodness, you ever have those nites when you get home & the cat is all meowing to shit because she wants food & yr all drunk & can' t open the cat food bag & all you wanna do is listen to Johnny Cash & smoke cigarettes....ugh....
ANYWAY-so when I was 16 I fell totally in love hard with this gorgeous boy except he turned into a crazy alcoholic & drug addict & we dated for 7 years & lived together for almost 4. So, I went for beers with him tonite & it is a crazy ridiculous thing when you are hanging out with someone you love but also someone you would've died for previously who you just KNOW is gonna die while you are still young. Awful.
He was all having weird convulsive fits & the Steve showed up & he just bolted all banshee-like,
ANYWAY-Steve & I had ourselves a nice Valentine's date of drinking beer & talking about beers and Steve dealing with me singing Bon Jovi & Journey too loud. Also, this really drunk man thought I gave him the finger but was wrong because a-Im such a pussy to give someone the finger & b-I have a tattoo on my fuckyou finger so you would totally know if it was me.
AND-this homeless couple asked me for money but I wasn't wearing my coat so I had none but then the lady was like "happy valentines day" & then my heart exploded & I cried all over the friggen place because they are old & should be celebrating V-Day all romanticlike not asking my busted ass for change...ugh, this world is sad.

an example of me being the best of all time.

I went to Samoa then I wrote this email-now I'm posting it here cuz I think I am very funny. You should, too.

OK-so there are many wonderful things here that I’ll miss and never forget

(such as incredible beaches and delicious food) but sitting in this fucking

office doing NOTHING for 2wks has turned me into a negative bitch and who

doesn’t love bitching more than my wonderful friends? So I have compiled

for yr reading pleasure a list of things I miss from home and a list of

things I won’t ever miss about Samoa-haha! (whether you care or not!)

What I won’t miss-bed bugs-that’s right, folks, the girl whose biggest fear is bugs at night when she’s sleeping has had nightly visitors of some sort since staying at Eka’s. maybe it’s bed bugs, maybe it’s ants….possibly mosquitoes but in any case my belly looks like I have chicken pox and I am the itchiest motherfucker in Samoa right now. It’s probably these little ants that crawl everywhere but it’s pretty nasty. cold showers-no one has hot water here cuz it’s too expensive and it’s hot during the day anyway but I just can’t clean myself under the freeze. I hop in and get wet, hop out, lather up my hair, bend over to rinse it out, and that’s about it……..i try to clean my feet but it’s a futile effort……………

the smell-no matter what you do laundry-wise everything smells wet and musty, swimming in salt water make yr hair nasty and crusty, there’s dirt everywhere and the cold showers just don’t cut it. im nasty business. I smell like a drying old man.

intrusive caring-no matter where I go, on the bus…down the hall at

work…..thru the home, people-random strangers stop me and ask me where im going. they ask what im doing tomorrow…… long ive been here, where im staying……..everyone does it to everyone-according to the Peace Corps I should feel honoured because it means they recognize me and im becoming a local.

the angriest dogs in the world-I thought I loved dogs before I got here. I hate them. im sorry if they are mistreated and abused and fucking feral but these dogs make my life miserable. everywhere I go dogs are trying to bite me, begging me for food, terrifying me because they run in front of cars-they’re nuts! oh speaking of which, dog’s balls here are the CRAZIEST things…they’re HUGE and they’re unfixed so they run around and attack anything that moves because they are so horny and crazy.

The lady dog’s have the biggest grossest hanging nipples and bellies and other parts from constantly giving birth and nursing-its sick but also kinda sad. ill stop talking about that.

What I already miss from home-(aside from friends and family and pets and people who have some inkling of a work ethic)

pockets-women can’t wear pants or shorts anywhere that I go so im skirts, lavalavas (sarongs) and pulatasis (ill explain when I get back-some ladies have sewn me a few of these REAL numbers-similar to a sari AND a muumuu). none of these things have pockets-I don’t know what to do with my hands ever.

cheese-aside from McDonald’s, which isn’t really cheese these people don’t have cheese. If you get a fish burger with “cheese” it’s a weird slice of something processed and white that tastes like ashes when eaten alone.

vegetables- now we all kno im probably getting scurvy from my Doritos & Coke steady diet but I’d kill for some broccoli right now……maybe a carrot? which leads me to the next thing…………..

DORITOS!- I can’t bring myself to pay 17$ Samoan for a bag of Doritos. That’s like 9$ Canadian just for a snack. A McDonald’s meal is like 14.50$ (YES-I ate McDonald’s yesterday-sue me!)

lighters-its all matches, all the time here and it’s also always windy cuz it’s an island….much fun for the Samoans to watch, not so much for the palangi who just wants a goddamn cigarette!screwtop bottles-another fun Samoan game is selling a palangi a bottle of Coke or Vailima beer and not offering to open it. Now, Samoans (as im sure is true of most Northern Ontarian folk!) can open a bottle with ANYTHING (their teeth, a spoon, a lighter, their fingers……you name, they got it covered) not me. I have cut my fingers trying to pry drinks open with my >ighter and I have one friend in my office, Alan, who always opens my bottles for me! (although apparently he is 28 and still looking for a wife and everyone calls him Casanova…………………..)

anonymity-like everyone asking me where I am going, people used to yell “American” when I walked by, now news has traveled so it’s “Canada” (never Canadian….) or the old faithful “Malo, Palangi!” (hello, whitey!) I’ve taken to saying “Malo, Samoan” to the delight of many of the young men here……….people also talk to me when im walking thru the market or sitting at the shop that Eka’s family owns and say “how long are you here from Canada for?” or “I saw you last night out dancing-did you have fun?” or

EVEN “did that lavalava you bought from the market last week fit you? how much did you pay for it?”

WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? and why do they kno what imup to all the time? I can’t wait to get on the subway and just ride in peace without people staring at me or asking me questions…..for the most part

traffic rules-pretty much, anything goes here. wanna ride 38 people in the back of yr pick-up? SURE-go right ahead………..wanna stop the bus in the middle of the street to grab an ice cream-why not, no one has anywhere to go today!..............

does ANYONE in this country actually HAVE a drivers license? not that I can see……………………..traffic lights, walk signals-you know what-if you walk out into the road the cars will probably stop…and if they don’t well-screw you because…………………………………..

AMBULANCE DRIVERS DON’T KNOW MEDICAL PROCEDURES-that’s right. they can put you in the ambulance and they make their way thru traffic (no sirens!) to the hospital but they don’t know First Aid, CPR, there are no medical instruments in the trucks (some of them are pickup trucks)………it’s really just a free mode of transport to get you to the hospital where there may or may not be a doctor waiting for you and who may or may not just send you to the village where they will do some sort of “traditional healing” requiring the rubbing of leaves over affected areas or the drinking of concoctions ( often coconut oil & pigs blood-im NOT shitting you!)

hahaha im having a blast and this place is a riot. my supervisor here added me to his MySpace. im getting cancer quicker cuz the cigarettes here are so >strong and like 3$ Canadian a pack. I may never come home and just stay here and have island babies and smell bad and itch constantly and try to change the country or maybe ill come home and get drunk with my friends and stay blissful in my ignorance.-July 2006

Also, this:

I saw an old lady trying to get to the streetcar but the light was red and he didn't wait for her today. As we were pulling away she threw her fist up in the air and started shaking it,like in a cartoon when someone is mad. It kinda made me laugh a little bit but then I thought maybe she was rocking out to some rad tunes I didn't know about (like Def Leppard "Hysteria") or something and not actually mad about the streetcar and that made me laugh even more. I think I might be borderline nuts. That is a picture of my mom dressed like a French maid, by the way.

Sooooo, we went to get chicken sandwiches from San Francesco's but Kim & Bob got into a huge fight and I was trapped in the van with them. I always play mediator cuz I feel bad for Bob but then Kim gets mad at me. Basically, I went to the liquor store and drank 4 beers in the parking lot of the LCBO in the back of Bob's van cuz I was bored (why am i always so bored?) and wanted a friggen chicken sandwich. FINALLY, we got to thier place and they smoked a joint. Except, so did I and I always seem to get SO stoned with them-like with fast heartbeats & staring at stuff in the bathroom for a long time and then thinking "hey-have i been in the bathroom an unreasonably long amount of time? are they wondering what im doing? oh god, what if they think im shitting? wait, did i even pee yet?" and so on and so on.

But then, I met up with Nick & Kris and some friends and went bowling at this wicked little underground bowling alley at Coxwell & Danforth.I swear, this place hasn't been touched since 1973. They advertise "disco bowling parties"! It was great. I am undeniably a terrible bowler. I think I lost. Im not sure cuz I was pretty drunk and the bowling alley lady asked me (while she was putting out bowls of PARTY MIX for us to munch on) if I was on drugs......I randomly told her I was a size 9 bowling shoe when I'm maybe an 8 at best. I kinda panicked when she asked me & for some reason I was scared to change it after the fact. I mostly went out for smokes with Steve with no shoes on and then we had a boxing/wrestling party on the Danforth . I came home around 1am cuz I was dead tired from all the partying/horsing around/being wierd enough for a 60yr old lady who runs a bowling alley to think I was messed and crashed on the couch. Then today I went for dinner with Heather & her mom bought me a chicken burger (I eat alot of chicken,Im ok with it) and then I just watched Season 6 of Full House on DVD. I was pretty lazy and boring today, except for when I played my guitar for like,2 hours.

Welcome to my blog.

ok, hi.
Do you ever stand in front of the mirror & act out tons of emotions? Like, I always kinda wish something really horrific would happen to me-like my boyfriend would cheat on me or someone would be in this horrific accident & Thank God I practiced my perfect reaction to shit. Except nothing like that even happens. Or, if it does, like when my Uncle Bob died-which was the worst day of all time-but also the absolute perfect time to use a great super distraught look or whatever I'm always just like "Uhhhhh, no I'm OK-how are you?" cuz I get super nervous if all this attention is paid to me but secretly I want it.
I wanted to have a blog for a really long time because I'm so hilarious & awesome & even Scott was like "do it! it would awesome" and he's the funniest person I kno but now I'm making it I kinda feel wierd.
Like a new haircut.
Grow on me, blog! I am yr new owner!